The true story behind Princess Diana’s revenge dress

Her dress is not the only thing that makes everyone’s chin fall off that night.

In June 1994, Princess Diana is not suitable for wearing a princess dress – a strapless, close-fitting black silk dress. Despite the alienation and separation from Prince Charles since 1991, Diana still reflects the elegance of light, even though this tense number breaks the royal etiquette. This iconic dress quickly became known as the “vengeance dress” because on the same night, the world heard great confession. Find out the secrets we learned after the death of Princess Diana.

In the evening there were two important things – Princess Diana at a party on the “Vanity Fair” and held at Prince Charles on national television premiere of the documentary in public. The documentary was made to make Prince Charles more sympathetic after being separated from Diana, who is loved by everyone as the “Princess of the People.” Unfortunately, when the interviewer asked Charles on the screen, the film’s intentions were counterproductive. During their marriage, they were “loyal and glorious” to Diana. “Yes,” Prince Charles replied. “Until it has become irretrievably broken, we have tried it.” His subtle remorse is to let the prince return to the hot water again. This is why Princess Diana does not want to divorce.

“We call it the “vengeance dress” “[because] she wore the same night Charles confessed his adultery with Camilla,” Kerry Taylor, whose company auctioned ten of the most well-known Diana dresses in 2013, told Women’s magazine. United Kingdom. “Although some people will like it, ‘I can’t face it tonight,’ Diana walked out wearing that dress and looked a bit gorgeous. She made an important statement there.”

But we may never know the true intentions of Diana wearing the iconic black dress, because the designers Christina 斯坦博利安 (Christina Stambolian) revealed that this dress is actually the first time in the spotlight before Diana Made in three years. At the time, the princess was too nervous because she claimed to be “too bold.” In fact, Diana originally planned to wear Valentino dresses until the equipment she chose was released to the media before the event began, according to the Daily Telegraph. Instead, she made the last minute conversion and chose the “daring” Stambolian black dress. Her former stylist Anna Harvey (Anna Harvey) said that that night she wanted to “look a million dollars.” If this dress is a small revenge of Diana, she does look like a million dollars.

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